We let the sun into our heads & hearts and go on collective leave from 2 untill. 13/8. Orders are processed from 16/8.
These general terms and conditions of sale apply to all offers, order forms, sales and services performed by the seller or his agents. The buyer declares to have taken note of the terms and conditions of sale and to accept them, subject to a registered written protest within 3 working days after the buyer has been informed of these terms and conditions. The special conditions stipulated in a separate agreement take precedence over the general terms and conditions of sale. Each order is subject to these terms and conditions of sale to the exclusion of the customer’s own terms and conditions.
Samples of all articles offered in the seller’s sales program can always be obtained on request and against payment.
The offers made by the seller are without obligation until the moment of the signature of the offer for approval or the final determination of the price, either prior to or at the time of delivery. Signing or accepting the quotation is binding and cannot be changed under any circumstances. Failure by the seller to comply with the specified delivery times does not give rise to compensation nor does the buyer have the right to cancel the order in whole or in part. Existing models may undergo minor deviations. There may be a color deviation of up to 10% on the colors of your logo, depending on the material used. More or less delivery on ordered quantity of 10% is possible and will be settled.
An order given to the seller without reservation obliges the buyer, if no or an insufficient order is placed, to bear all costs incurred in the execution of this order.
In the event of a full or partial cancellation of an order by the buyer, he is obliged to pay compensation, determined in advance and at a fixed rate between the parties at 50% of the agreed price if the order has not yet been executed, and up to the full amount if the order has already been completed in full. or has been partially performed or put into production, and where the costs incurred by the seller for ordering materials are considered a start of execution.
Delivery takes place at the seller’s workshops, unless otherwise agreed in writing. The goods are transported at the risk and risk of the buyer, even if the shipment is carriage paid. Loss, shortage or late delivery are not grounds for refusing an order in whole or in part or for not settling the invoice or only partially, nor does it give rise to claiming any compensation from the seller. The goods are deposited in a place easily accessible for the rolling stock of the carrier, who is not obliged to place them further than the entrance of the public road where the goods are to be delivered.
An order executed in accordance with an approved or corrected and returned proof, relieves the seller of any responsibility, even if it should appear that after printing errors, omissions or shortcomings, of whatever nature, are detected, or for which it cannot be demonstrated that the seller. Under no circumstances can the seller be held responsible for damage or breakage caused during processing on materials supplied by the buyer.
A faithful approach to the requested color or model to be made is guaranteed. Small deviations must be accepted by the buyer. This does not apply to the color fastness or the immutability of the register. Color shades in the same delivery are no reason for refusal of the order. Deviations specific to the nature of the work to be performed must always be accepted.
Sold and delivered goods will not be taken back, unless with the prior written agreement of the seller. All unpaid goods remain the property of the seller until the day of full payment, who can at any time reclaim these goods at the expense of the buyer, without prejudice to any further compensation stipulated. As long as the goods have not been paid, the buyer may not dispose of these goods or pledge them to third parties. If this does occur, additional compensation will be provided.
Under penalty of nullity, all complaints, duly motivated, must be sent by registered mail to the address of the seller’s administrative office, within 5 working days after delivery of the goods. The seller does not guarantee any telephone order for engraving, printing or similar errors.
Unless otherwise stated, typesetting, plates, films, stones, designs, drawings, photos, films and all materials, of whatever kind, useful, useful or necessary for the realization of the order, remain the exclusive property of the seller, and can by not claimed by the buyer, even if the costs of the materials are wholly or partially borne by the buyer. The seller is not obliged to keep these materials once the order has been delivered, unless otherwise agreed between the parties in advance. This does not apply to the materials that the buyer has made available to the seller in order to see his order completed. In this case, the materials will be returned to the buyer at his risk and expense. We assume that our customer has the right to use a logo and cannot take responsibility for misuse.
All invoices are payable in cash on delivery, or on the due date stated on the invoice, and no later than 10 days after the invoice date, at the seller’s administrative office. Failure to pay an invoice on its due date automatically and without any notice of default entails the due date of all outstanding invoices, including those not yet due, and gives the seller the right to suspend or cancel all current contracts and orders at the expense of the customer. of the buyer, without prejudice to the seller’s right to compensation as provided above. And guarantee whether a full or partial advance payment can be demanded, prior to the delivery or the putting into production of the order.
Accepting a bill of exchange does not result in novation of the debt, so that the present sales conditions remain applicable. All associated costs are borne by the buyer and payable in cash.
Any invoice that is not settled on its due date gives the right, ipso jure and without any notice of default, to a default interest of 50% higher than the legal interest rate, as well as to the charging of compensation, cumulative with all other indemnities or compensations, fixed and in advance between the parties. determined at 10% of the invoice amount with a minimum of € 250.00.
In the event of a pandemic, there is no reason to cancel an order. The order or processing will be done under the conditions and restrictions imposed by the government at that time.
In geval van betwisting zijn enkel de rechtbanken bevoegd van de plaats waar de administratieve zetel van de verkoper gevestigd is.
graveren • borduren • bedrukken • huisstijl • badges • wimpels • vlaggen • service clubs • beschermingsmateriaal
Tinko bv – Gistelsteenweg 87A – 8490 Varsenare (Belgium)
Tel. +32 50 31 17 91 – info@tinko.be
© Tinko bv – VAT BE 0825.587.685 – all rights reserved
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